
See tours, lectures, events and films about Sigmund Freud and the Museum. See more videos on our YouTube channel.

Museum tour with Monika Pessler

Director Monika Pessler takes you on a guided tour through the newly renovated Sigmund Freud Museum - in English. Produced by the Vienna Tourist Board.

Promotional Film Sigmund Freud Museum

Impressive close-ups of the exhibition on the life and work of Sigmund Freud at Berggasse 19 in Vienna

Sigmund Freud and his Museum

Adia Trischler walks on the traces of Sigmund Freud and visits the museum. Produced by the Vienna Tourist Board.

The comic in the Interpretation of Dreams

Daniela Finzi explains that already Sigmund Freud used comics to illustrate his thoughts - on display in our permanent collection!


A selection of events and lectures

Rhetoric, Truth, and Enjoyment: Cicero Beyond the Pleasure Principle

Lecture by Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer Paul Allen Miller.

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 18

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris) Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University) Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation US)

Gender Without Identity

Book presentation and discussion with Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini.

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 10

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris) Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University) Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation US)

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 9

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris), Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University - LNMU), Harold Kudler (Duke University), Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.). Part 8 of the discussion series can not be viewed due to confidentiality.

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 7

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris), Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University - LNMU), Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center), Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.).

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 6

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris), Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University - LNMU), Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center), Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.). Part 5 of the discussion series can not be viewed due to confidentiality.


Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 4

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris), Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University - LNMU), Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center), Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.)

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 3

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna, in cooperation with the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Lviv National Medical University, 15.12.2022 Panelists: Ghislaine Boulanger (NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis,) Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University), Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation U.S.)

How Does Psychoanalysis Work? Freud's Enduring Legacy in Light of 21st Century Systems Neuroscience

Lecture by Richard D. Lane, introduction by Stephan Doering.

History, Family, Silence. Phlippe Sands and Esther Freud

Which influence has the past, which influence has a city from which ancestors had to flee on one’s mind, on one’s writing? Philippe Sands and Esther Freud discussed the influence of Vienna on who they are, what they write, and how they write about it. Moderated by Monika Pessler

IT HURTS! Violence against Women in Art and Society


Beyond Forced Emigration: Contemporary Émigré Experience in Psychoanalysis

Fourth discussion of the roundtable series Refugees and Immigrants: Their Experience and Contribution to Psychoanalysis in North America by the Sigmund Freud Museum and the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center. Panelists Maurice Apprey, Marina Bayeva, Julia Beltsiou, and Usha Tummala-Narra. Moderated by Spyros D. Orfanos


Genocide: What Psychoanalysis Lost in the Holocaust

Third discussion of the roundtable series Refugees and Immigrants: Their Experience and Contribution to Psychoanalysis in North America by the Sigmund Freud Museum and the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center. With panelists Daniela Finzi, Diane O’Donoghue, Emily Kuriloff, and Pamela Cooper-White. Moderated by Tom Kohut.

Refugee Psychoanalysts 1920–1955: Enriching Psychoanalysis in the Americas

Second discussion of the roundtable series Refugees and Immigrants: Their Experience and Contribution to Psychoanalysis in North America by the Sigmund Freud Museum and the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center. With panelists Adrienne Harris, Louis Rose, Judy Kantrowitz, and Elizabeth Lunbeck. Moderated by Tom Kohut


After Vienna: A conversation with Otto Kernberg and Thomas Kohut

First discussion of the roundtable series Refugees and Immigrants: Their Experience and Contribution to Psychoanalysis in North America by the Sigmund Freud Museum and the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center. Moderated by Nancy McWilliams


Analysis and Exile: Boyhood, Loss, and the Lessons of Anna Freud

Book presentation by Vivian Heller and talk with Pamela Cooper-White

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 1

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Ghislaine Boulanger (NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis) Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris) Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University) Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation US)

Psychoanalysis under Conditions of War - Part 2

A discussion in English by the Freud Foundation US and the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna. Panelists: Ghislaine Boulanger (NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis) Françoise Davoine (Psychoanalyst, Paris) Oleksandr Filts (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University) Gerard Fromm (Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) Moderator: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein (Freud Foundation US)

Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse (1921) (Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego)

Opening and Panel 1 (in German) of the Conference "Thoughts for the Times on Groups and Masses": Ulrike May (Berlin): Sexualtriebe, Eros, Identifizierung – Re-Lecture von Freuds Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse (1921), Sama Maani (Vienna): Kunst, Identität und die Psychologie der Massen in der Digitalmoderne. Responder/Moderation: Helmut Dahmer (Vienna)

Dynamics of Mass Media: Identification and Digitalization

Panel 2 of the Conference "Thoughts for the Times on Groups and Masses": Jan de Vos (Gent): The Truths of Psychoanalysis: Defying the Lies of Psychology that Fuel the Amassing of Individuals, Giuseppina Antinucci (Milan): Crisis of Representation: Destiny of Identification. Moderation: Gail Newman (Vienna)

Politics I: The Social Unconscious Today

Panel 2 of the Conference "Thoughts for the Times on Groups and Masses": Earl Hopper (London, via Zoom): The Social Unconscious, Traumatic Experience, and the Study of Social Systems: The Borromean Knot and the Mobius Strip of the Tripartite Matrix of Social Systems, Lene Auestad (Oslo): Affects, Groups, and Illusions – Freud's Essay as Foreshadowing Fascism. Moderation: Wolfgang Martin Roth (Vienna)

Politics II: Identity-based Violence

Panel 4 of the Conference "Thoughts for the Times on Groups and Masses": Francisco J. González (San Francisco): The Trouble with Us: Towards a Trans-Mural Psychoanalysis, Ranjanna Khanna (Durham): Mass Death. Moderation: Ricardo Ainslie (Vienna)

Unter uns hieß er der Rattenmann. Die Lebensgeschichte des Sigmund-Freud-Patienten Ernst Lanzer

Author reading by Georg Augusta and talk with Kathrin Wohlmuth-Konrad. Introduction: Daniela Finzi, Research Director of the Sigmund Freud Museum (in German)

Josefine Mutzenbacher. Kritische Ausgabe nach dem Erstdruck mit Beiträgen von Oswald Wiener

Book presentation by Clemens Ruthner and Melanie Strasser. Mercedes Echerer reads. Moderation: Daniela Finzi (in German)

Freud als Magier. Der ambivalente Blick auf die Psychoanalyse im surrealistischen Kartenspiel Jeu de Marseille

Lecture by Christina Hoffmann (in German) as part of the program accompanying the special exhibition SURREAL! Imagining New Realities

Festive Opening of the Sigmund Freud Museum

Event in German: On September 23, 2020, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen opened the museum after its renovation. Speakers: Heinz Fassmann Minister of Science, Mayor Michael Ludwig, Andrea Mayer, State Secretary for Culture, Veronic Kaup-Hasler, City Councillor for Culture, Monika Pessler, Director, Peter Noemaier, Chairman, Franz Jurkowitsch, Head of the Supervisory Board.

Vienna Showcase: Sigmund Freud Museum

Tour through the museum and discussion in English with Director Monika Pessler, artist Markus Schinwald and psychoanalyst Stefan Doering, moderated by Adia Trischler. Welcome words by Norbert Kettner, Vienna Tourist Board. Recorded 2020 in cooperation with the Vienna Tourist Board. Directed by Stefan Wuernitzer

Eli Zaretsky: Freudianism and the Twentieth Century Left

In 2017, Eli Zaretsky, Professor for History at the New School in New York gave the keynote lecture to the conference "Where Is the Unconscious Today?" at Vienna's Billrothhaus. Lecture in English

Sigmund Freud Lectures

See a selection of video recordings of the Sigmund Freud Lectures from the last years. More on our YouTube Channel

LI - Homi K. Bhabha: On the Excessive Power of “Affective Coloring”

Homi K. Bhabha is the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities in the Departments of English and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. He is the author of numerous works exploring postcolonial theory, psychoanalysis, cultural change and power, contemporary art, and cosmopolitanism. He holds honorary degrees from Université Paris 8, University College London, Freie Universität Berlin, and Stellenbosch University. Introduction and moderation by Herman Westerink, welcome words by Monika Pessler.

L - Adam Phillips: On Not Believing In Anything: Or, Why Freud?

Adam Phillips was formerly Principal Child Psychotherapist at Charing Cross Hospital in London, and is now a psychoanalyst in private practice in London and a writer. He is the author of over twenty books on psychoanalysis and literature, most recently On Getting Better and The Cure for Psychoanalysis. He is a Visiting Professor in the English Department at the University of York, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Introduction and moderation by Gohar Homayounpour, welcome words by Monika Pessler.

XLIX - Lisa Appignanesi: Dreaming with Freud, Writing with Freud

Lisa Appignanesi OBE is an award-winning writer, novelist, cultural commentator, and until 2021 Chair of the Royal Society of Literature. She was Chair of the Freud Museum London from 2007-2013 and President of English Pen. Amongst her books is the classic Freud’s Women (with John Forrester). Introduction and moderation by Jeanne Wolff Bernstein, welcome words by Monika Pessler.

XLVIII - Colette Soler: La Psychanalyse et le Politique

Colette Soler was trained by Jacques Lacan and was a member of the École freudienne de Paris and later a founding member of the Champ lacanien and its École Internationale de Psychanalyse after the secession from the Association mondiale de psychanalyse (AMP) in 1998. She gave the Sigmund Freud Lecture 2021 from Paris, with an introduction by Viktor Mazin and welcome words by Monika Pessler. Daniela Finzi moderated the discussion.

XLVII -Jacqueline Rose: To Die One’s Own Death – Thinking with Sigmund Freud in a Time of Pandemic

Jacqueline Rose is Professor of Humanities and Co-Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London. She gave the Sigmund Freud Lecture at the Freud Museum London. Moderated by Monika Pessler.

XLVI - Jan Assmann: Moses tragicus. Freud, Schönberg und der scheiternde Moses

In 2019, Jan Assmann, Egyptologist and Scientist for Studies of Culture and Religion gave the lecture in German.

XLV - Philipp Blom: Let Me Tell You a Story. Narrative Identitäten in Zeiten des Aufruhrs

Author and Historian Philipp Blom gave the 2018 Sigmund Freud Lecture in German.

XLIV - William Kentridge: A Defence of the Less Good Idea

Artist William Kentridge delivered the Sigmund Freud Lecture 2017 in English at Vienna's Burgtheater, moderated by Erik Porath.

XLIII - Stefano Bolognini: The Humanizing Function of Contemporary Pschoanalytic Empathy

Stefano Bolognini, President of the International Psychoanalytic Assosiation, gave the 2016 lecture in English.

XLII - Slavoj Žižek: Theology, Negativity, and the Death-Drive

Slavoj Žižek delivered the Sigmund Freud Lecture of 2015 at Vienna's Burgtheater, moderated by Victor Mazin.

XLI - Judith Butler: Politik des Todestriebes. Der Fall der Todesstrafe

Judith Butler delivered the Sigmund Freud Lecture of 2014 in German at the University of Vienna, moderated by Jeanne Wolff Bernstein.

XL - Joseph Kosuth: Freud, Beckett and the Uncanny: Some Thoughts on Art as Installation

Artist Joseph Kosuth gave the 2013 lecture in German at the Sigmund Freud Museum, moderated by Peter Pakesch.

XXXVIII - Siri Hustvedt: "Freud's Playground: Some Reflections on the Art and Science of Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity

Author Siri Hustvedt gave the lecture 2011 in English at the Austrian National Bank, moderated by Andrea Bronner.