List by the BPS

20-page list with names of WPV members and candidates from the archives of the British Psychoanalytical Society, with handwritten entries, mostly by Ernest Jones. Eva Rosenfeld, who had emigrated from Berlin to London in 1936 and volunteered as a secretary for the »Austrian Fund« founded by Jones in 1938, also maintained the list.
The transcriptions of the different list entries were made by the members of the »Working Group on the History of Psychoanalysis« Source: Archives of the British Psychoanalytical Society, London


Aichhorn, August Probably staying in Vienna. (Son arrested)

Angel, Dr. Anny KatanIn Holland.

Bergler, Dr. Edmund  To America.  Has affidavit, but not sufficiently high (Frl. Freud’s List). arrived in Paris 4.6.38. Hotel Lutetia, Bvd. Raspail 43, Paris – Blonville s. Mer, „La Brigadiere“, Calvados, France.

Hotel Peter Stuyvesant, 251 Central Park West at 86th Street, N. York.[

Bernfeld, Dr. Siegfried  In California. – 61  Toledo Way, San Francisco, California.

Bibring, Dr. Edward  England? arrived in England 9.5.1938. Practising at 12 Kent Terrace, N.W. 1 Wrote twice to Hutchison re permits for work. Has got permit for 12 months. Study for British Medical qualification.

Bibring- Lehner, Dr. Grete  England? Ditto. Ditto. Same as above. See Jagelman’s letter d/d July 2 1938. – Address: 18 Bracknell Gdns. N.W.3- HAM: 7064 5683 Flat 4 Dunrobin Court 389 Finchley Rd. N.W. HAM: 4683 8 Carlton Hill, N.W. 8. Mai: 8626

Bornstein, Berta – Has affidavit. America. (Frl. Freud’s List.) Leaving. In N.Y. Apt. 11F, 27 West 96th Street, New York City.

Bornstein-Windholzova, Steff  Suggested to Dr. Fenichel in a letter d/d April 1st that Dr. Steff Bornstein should write to Dr. Kubie, inscribing name with American Consulate for Visa in meantime. Applying for affidavit America. – (Frl. Freud’s List.). Got affidavit through Edith Buxbaum. — Have written to Czech Refugee Cttee. (Miss Allern), 5 Mecklenburg Square, W.C. 1 w. permission to come here till able to sail for America 20. 3. 39.

? America Sent letter to C. S. Refugee Cttee. guaranteeing would not work during her stay here. 23. 3. 39.

Burlingham, Dorothy  Gone to Switzerland.

Rosslyn Lodge Hotel, Lyndhurst Rd. Ham: 2265. N.W.3. 19 Norfolk Rd. N.W.8. Pri: 2929 2 Maresfield Gdns., N.W. 3. HAM: 6371.

Buxbaum, Dr. Edith  In America. Since Xmas. 110 East 87th Street, New York.

Bychowski, Dr. Gustav  In Warsaw.

Eidelberg, Dr. Ludwig – Has invitation for England with seriously ill wife. (dead). Has arrived in England.  Address: c/o Dr. Rosenstein, 44 Gordon Sq, W.C.1. Perhaps Glasgow – if not America. Declined post in Glasgow – wishes to stay in London 21.6.1938. Going to Oxford at own risk.

Got permit for 12 months – 29.1.38 Study medicine 15 Bardwell Court, Bardwell Road, Oxford, Eus: 2099

Federn, Dr. Paul  Will receive invitation from Professor Holmgren of Stockholm to visit him and financial help. Invited to Switzerland. New York (Nunberg). Has affidavit c/o Dr. Paul Federn Klempner 370 239 Central Park West, New York City. 20 West 72nd Street, Apt. 708 New York.

Fenichel, Dr. Otto Received invitation from the Los Angeles Study Group as per his letter of March 29th, 1938.

Address in America – c/o Dr. Buxbaum, 110 East, 87th Street, New York City. Arrived. Address c/o Deri, 123 North Plymouth Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.

Freud, Anna  England. Esplanade Hotel stet 2 Warrington Crescent Abercorn 1052 Maida Vale W.9. 39 Elsworthy Road N.W.3. Pri 2940 20 Maresfield Gdns. N.W.3. HAM: 2002

Freud, Professor Sigmund. England.

Friedjung, Dr. Josef.  Probably staying in Vienna. Advised to write direct to Dr. Kubie. Money by Dr. Glover. Going to Palestine. Got affidavit (Edith Buxbaum) – Address c/o Dr. Eitingon Talbye, Jerusalem.

Gutmann, Dr. Salomea Has affidavit – America. Will marry Isakower. [unleserlich] Has married Isakower. Same notes as under Isakower.

Now Frau Dr. S. Isakower.

Hartmann, Dr. Heinz. Paris. Has left for Paris. (Frl. Freud’s Letter 25.5.38)

Arrived in Paris. Address – 18 bis rue Henri Heine, Paris XVIe. b Villa George Sand, Paris. XVIe’. Auteuil 53-93. money difficulties

Heilpern-Fuchs, Else. – not md. Has nothing yet. America. Was in Berlin in prison. anymore (poor). Wrote to Dr. Gross in Manchester see his letter of d 3.5.38. Has affidavit from Langer. Got money for 3 tickets from Edith Buxbaum.

Hitschmann, Dr. Eduard – England. New York.? Is coming to England. Sent curriculum vitae to Home Office. – Has visum for England. – Arrived in England. – 12 Fitz John’s Avenue N.W.3. Ham: 6571

22 Eyre Court N.W.8. PRI: 7350

Hoffer, Dr. Wilhelm. England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Address. 9 Fellows Rd. N.W.3. Pri: 1332. Wrote Mr. Hutchinson re permit. – Has got permit 28. 7. 38. Taking house at – 3 Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood.

Hoffer-Schaxel, Hedwig.  England. Arrive in England May 18. 1938. Ditto as above. Has got permit 28. 7. 38.

302 Addison HouseGrove End Road, CUN: 5558. N. W. 8. – 17 Devonshire Place, W. I. Wel: 1293.

Hoffmann, Dr. Ernst Paul.  Psychiatrist. Belgium. (Antwerp ?) ? Brussels. Lost permit to work. Has got affidavit (Edith Buxbaum). 109 Chausée de Charleroi, Bruxelles.

26 rue du Chatelain, Bruxelles.

Isakower, Dr. Otto.  ? England. psychiatrist. Promised affidavit. – ( Frl. Freud’s List) Has married Dr. Gutmann –  Frl. Freud thinks Liverpool. has money for 1 yr. applied to U. Sec. of State for permit 23.5.38. Referred again to U. Sec. of State for permit. 13.6.38. Dto. 27.6.38. Has arrived at The Hague. 29.6.38. Arrived in London. Address 65 Greencroft Gdn. Gave him £ 50.- Got permit for 12 months to go to Liverpool. Study medicine.

13 Burbo Mansions, Burbo Bank Rd. Blundellsands, Liverpool.

Definite address 56 Rodney Street, Liverpool. (in few weeks).                                                                                                      

Jekels, Dr. Ludwig.  Invitation from Dr. Bychowski in Warsaw. America (Frl. Freud’s List) still stuck in [unleserlich] In N.Y., [unleserlich]

Jokl, Dr. Robert Hans.  Address Hotel Miralago, Castagnola – Lugano. Advised him to write to Dr. Kubie. –

Kris, Dr. Ernst. England. Arrived in England 9.5.38. 11 Kent Terrace, N.W.1. practising. Shelbourne Hotel Upper Bedford Place. Mus 9001 18 Bracknell Gardens N.W.3. HAM: 7064

Applied twice re permit to Mr. Hutchinson. Got permit for 12 months. Permission wife to study for British Medical qualification and start work. See Jagelman’s Letter of d July 2. 1938.

21 Fitzjohn’s Ave. N.W.3. HAM: 0165

31 Nottingham Pl., W.1. WEL: 1919. 9 Marlborough Hill St. John’s Wood N.W.8. PRI: 7002


Kronengold, Dr. Eduard  Advised to get in touch with Dr. Kubie, but if he wishes an invitation to come to England will send one. He is now in Prague – his letter of March 28th, 1938. Letter 22.4.38. – Is coming to London next week. 5.5.38 – staying at 65 Greencroft Gdens. N.W. Mai: 1719. Polish passport. Cracow. Is considering Palestine or Leeds. – Offered post in Glasgow. 21.6.38. Accepted 24.6.38.

25 Devonshire Terrace, W. 2. Tel: PAD: 3257. Will go to Glasgow. – Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital, 1055 Great Western Road, Glasgow. Hotel Belvedere. – Prague VII. Sailed for America – 26.XI.38.

Address: c/o Miss Bornstein Apt. 11 F., 27 West 96th Street, New York City.                 

Lampl, Dr. Hans  England. or Holland. arrived in Holland – address – The Hague, Belvédèreweg 11. –Haringsliet Straat, 39,Amsterdam

Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne  England. Holland. As above.

Nepallek, Dr. Richard Hungarian. Czech name. 65 pension. Gentile [unleserlich]

Reich, Dr. Annie  Advised Dr. Fenichel to notify Dr. Reich to get in touch with Dr. Kubie re affidavits. – Los Angeles. Has got her affidavits. 16. 6. 38. Prague consul gave permit.

The Franconia Hotel, 20 West 72nd street, New York City.

Sperling, Dr. Otto  Child analysis. Los Angeles. Affidavit. In USA.

Steiner, Dr. Maxim Stay in Vienna. Letter from Dr. Steiner dated April 14th in which he says he has been offered through Dr. Douglas O. Macaulay work in a Nursing Home and Hospitality for his wife, child and nephew. Dr. Macaulay applied Home Office for Permit. – Wrote Dr. Macaulay to write again to Home Office. – case urgent. – Asked Dr. Eitingon for Palestine Certificate 9.7.38

381 Finchley Road, N.W.3. HAM 5667 6557

20 Falmouth Avenue, Highams Park, E 4. Larkswood 1126

Stengel, Dr. Erwin  – psychiatrist – America. – wants England. [unleserlich]

Bristol position settled with Dr. Cassow. Have asked U. Sec. of State for permit. 23.5.38. Referred again to Under Secretary of State for permit - 13. 6. 38. Ditto 27. 6. 38. Refused permission at Bristol to study for examination. Got Visum for 12 months. – 16.7.38. Goes to Bristol Aug Address –Dorset House, Clifton Down, Bristol 8.

Sterba, Dr. Richard. Sterba, Dr. Editha.  He is already in Switzerland. Applied for England. Malygasse 8, Basel. Now in Holland. ? S. Africa. Address: In Nymwegen u. Arnheim. – Wrote advising S. Africa; if unable to settle in Holland. Alternative Ceylon. Coming to London to see Dr. Jones. Interviewed 4.6.38. Send letter of recommendation High Commissioner of S. Africa. 27.6.38. – Written to America. Asked Dr. Matthew to send Invite + apply Home Office. Oct 7th – wrote Dec. 13. 1938.

Address: Ascona, Casa Wilfinger, Switzerland. Hopes to leave for America at end of the month. – 13.1.39


Storfer, A. J.  Stay in Vienna. Has sailed for Shanghai. Ad: Messrs. Molnar + Greiser, 330 Szechuan Rd., Shanghai. Sent him a cheque for £ 10. Dec. 2. 1938. – P. O. B. 4105, Shanghai, China. –

Sugar, Dr. N.  Lives in Subotica.

Wälder, Dr. Robert.  ? Boston. Landauer suggests Amsterdam. H. Deutsch – Boston? Wrote to Prof. Horkheimer on his behalf April 29. ’38. Sailed on May 31st for America. – c/o Dr. Fritz Wittels 91 Central Park West New York.

Wälder, Dr. Jenny  Boston. Ditto.

Eissler – Selke, Dr. Ruth.  America. Is on way – with husband wife of Kurt Eissler 5530 Blackstone, Chicago, Illinois.

Freud, Dr. Martin.  England. Arrived. – Cumberland Hotel. Now at Mount Royal, Marble Arch. Got introduction to Mr. Barclay of Barklay’s Bank through R. Money-Kyrle.

Grünspan, Dr. Berta  Wants South Africa. Otherwise America. Sent name + address S. African Legation in Berlin, where application for permits has to be sent. – Palestine – sent Eitingon copy of A. Freud’s letter para re Palestine. Eitingon procured of £1000 for 1 analyst. Bristol? –  Wrote to her and telling her of Palestine + that Eitingon would write to her direct. Palestine now probable (Frl. F’s Letter 25.3.38) Has affidavit for America. – 6 Nordan Street, Haifa, Palestine                                                                   

Hawkins, Dr. Mary Oneil  [unleserlich]

Herz, Dr. Margarete  Hungarian medical. Sent all particulars to Dr. Kubie. Recommended by Frl. Freud. Was born on December 28th 1898 at Levoca, Czechoslovakia – Austrian  citizen. Attended lectures on Psychoanalysis at the Vienna Institute. Didactic analysis by Dr. Ed. Hitschmann and Dr. R. H. Jokl. Associate Member of the Psycho-Analytical Society Vienna since 1925. Suggested her for post at Illinois. Refused affidavit.

Kris, Dr. Marianne  England.  Arrived in England 9.5.38. Same notes as for E. Kris.                                                                                                                                                                                                

Mahler-Schönberger, Dr. Margarete. Address: 102 W. 98th Street, New York. – sails for America on October 13th. Wants South Africa. If S. Africa impossible wants letter sent to Dr. Kubie enclosed with hers of April 28th. Send name + adress of S. Africa legation in Berlin, where permits have to be got. Letter send to Dr. Kubie. 10.5.1938. Asked [?] Hopkins for shelter. Arrived in London. Address – 20 Frognal, N.W.3. 65 Greencroft Gdns. N.W.3. at 15 Langdale Road House 3. Has second affidavit per Dr. E. Buxbaum for U.S.A.

Mänchen, Dr. Anna  Sent letter for application to Dr. Kubie. Has Visa for self and family for America. In USA: 1010 Pacific Avenue, Alameda, Calif.

Schur, Dr. Max  England. Arrives Saturday 11th June 1938. Address till Sunday June 19th. – 29 Abercorn Place, N.W.8 Tel: Maida Vale 6023. From June 20th. 115 Fellows Road, N.W. 8. Pri: 2396 –  During Day at Pri: 2929. Sent Curriculum vitae to Home Office. Applied for permits. 45 Buckland Cres., N.W.3. PRI: 2376. Has got permit. 17.9.38. From June 20th. 54 Fitzjohns Avenue N.W.3  HAM: 3146                                                                     

Stross, Dr. Josefine  England. Arrived – 19 Norfolk Road, N.W.8. Pri: 2929. Sent Curriculum vitae to Home Office. – applied for Permits. – Has git permit. 17.9.38. 45A Buckland Cres., N.W.3. PRI: 2376. 55 Belgrave Road, 145 West End Lane 145 West End Lane, N.W.6. MAI: 0129

Walk, Dr. Rosa  Paris. arrived in Paris 10.6.38. Address Hotel Montpensier, 12 rue de Richelieu, Paris 1ère. Les Glycines, 15 rue Jules Chaplain Paris 6ème. 232 Bvd. Raspail Paris XIVème.

Fenichel, Dr. Otto  Los Angeles Study Group. Leaving for America – Address there – c/o Dr. Buxbaum, 110 East 87th Street, New York. – c/o Deri, 123 North Plymouth Boulevard, Los Angeles. – Latest address: 147 North Irving Bvd., Los Angeles. – 244 Gower Street.

Sylvester-Pollaczek, Dr. Emmy.  (medical) Advised to write to Dr. Kubie, for affidavits for self and husband. Has got position in Chicago. See Dr. Alexanders letter of d Nov. 21st 1938. –

Dr. Theodor Reik  – California. Has affidavits for America. Leaves on June 2. for America. Wrote to W. Adams re lectureships for Harvard & Columbia Universities. – Great Northern Hotel, 118 West Fifty-Seventh Street N. Y. –  Edgehill Inn, Arlington Ave. 230th Street Bronx, N.Y. City.

Dr. Géza Róheim Wishes to go to Australia. Worcester State Hospital, Worcester Mass. Arrived staying at Manchester with Dr. Gross.

Bálint, Dr. M. / Balint Dr. A. – ? Wishes to got to Australia – England Manchester – Wrote to Dr. Gross. Applied Cooper for permits. Have got permits for Manchester 9. 1. 39.

Rubinstein [unleserlich]  Wishes England. More suited America S. Africa, Canada. Advised write Kubie. Sent him to Miss B. Low. –  was staying with a Dr. Macdonald. 2 Fellows Road N.W.3. [unleserlich]

Israel Ezriel  Wrote to Dr. Bibring & Dr. Kronengold for more information. Also Frl. Freud. Letter from Dr. Kronengold re Ezriel recd. – Not suitable candidate.

Weigert-Vowinckel, Dr. Edith  Going to America – arriving first week of May. Address first week in May: C/o Mr. Siegfried Peierls, 2 Park Avenue, New York City, – later on C/o Mrs. van Casteel, 1418-33rd Street N.W., Washington, D.C. Is going to communicate direct with Dr. Kubie.

Eissler, Dr. Kurt (Dr. Phil. studying medicine) 156 rue de la Pompe, Paris 16e. Wrote to Dr. Kubie recommending his application. Advised him to write direct to Dr. Kubie. Address: In USA. 5530 Blackstone, Chicago, Illinois. Got position in Chicago. See Dr. Alexander’s Letter 21.XI.38.                       

Pappenheim, Dr. Else (medical) Vienna VIII., Lederergasse 22. Wrote wishing go America. Sent letter on to Dr. Kubie and advised her to write to him direct. Thought of her for Bristol. Wrote to Frl.Freud for opinion. Not fully trained analyst. Has affidavit for America. –                            

Bergman, Paul (Dr. Phil.)  Vienna, I., Werderthorgasse 9. Wrote wishing to go to America. Sent letter on to Dr. Kubie and advised him to write to Dr. Kubie direct. Expects affidavit for Honolulu. Mr. Schmiedeberg has been asked to help him. – Is to get permission to await here before going to U. S.  Imprisoned free.      

Geleerd, Dr. Elisabeth R. (Medical)  70 Eendrachtsweg, Rotterdam. Candidate of the Vienna Institute. Wishes to come to England to finish Training under FrL. Freud before settling in Holland. Wrote to this effect. Arrived. Residing at 73 Abbey Rd. Mansions, Abbey Road. N.W.8. MAT: 7896. Seaford Lodge 2, Fellows Rd., N.W.3. Pri: 5032.

Pisk, Dr. Gerhart (Medical)  England. Training with Dr. Jeanne Lampl de Groot. Has got affidavit for America (Frl. F’s Letter 25.5.) through Dr. Dawes – Is getting married. (Letter 20.6.) P.T.O. Has affidavit for America through Dr. Dawes. Ad: c/o D.W. Schoinstein, Bruggweg 13, Arlesheim bei Basel. Advised him to send affidavit to U.S. Consul, London. Will make application for 3 months’ visum if he has affidavit.

10.10.38. Asked Dr. Adrian Stephen to apply for invitation visum.

13.10.38. Has got definite position. See Dr. Alexander’s Letter

Nov. 21st 1938. Asked Dr. Stephen to write again to Home Office 13.I.39. Dr. Stephen written to Austrian Self. Aid saying I.P.A. guarantee £ 200.-

20.4.39. Sent letter to Society of Friends – Jewish Emergency Cttee. guaranteeing £ 200.–  27.4.39.

Arrives London 22nd July 1939. Temp: Address c/o Robert Pisk, 28 South Hill Park, N.W.3.

Silbermann, Dr. I. (Med.)  Wrote to Dr. Kubie direct – wishes America. Wrote recommending him to Dr. Kubie. Has affidavit. (Edith Buxbaum) Ad: 30 Frognal Lane, N.W.3. HAM: 5791. c/o Dr. Parfill, Warwickshire + Coventry Mental Hospital, Hatton nr. Warwick.

Gyömröi, Edith Wrote direct to Dr. Kubie – see her letter dated 8. 4. 38. Hungarian quote not filled – see Kubie’s letter asked Mrs. Hopkins for shelter for her. Going to New Zealand.

Erdheim, Thea. (Med.) Sent letter of application for America. Candidate with Dr. Jeanne Lampl-de Groot. Wrote asking Frl. Freud opinion re post in Bristol. Can buy ticket for America. Cannot secure affidavit. Unmarried. Not fully trained analyst – Wrote May 11th advising finish, with Dr. Jeanne Lampl-de Groot in Holland, analysis or go direct to America. Has affidavit for America. Is going to Münsingen to study. Wrote to her 19. 9. 38

Morgenstern, Milan.  49 Tavistock Square, W.C. 1. Tel. Eus.2685. Viennese Candidate. Appointment for May 6. Is a specialist in education + psychology of mental defectives. Will not do analytical therapeutic work. Non-medical. –  Get own permit. 181 Goldhurst Terrace, N.W.6. MAI: 4946. –

Schwarz Liesl.  Candidate. Uncle promised to pay for medical education. Arrived 23. 5. 38

Address: Lewisohn. 23 Collingham Gardens, S.W. 5. Applied U. sec. of state for permit.

Has got permit for 12 month to study.

Hollitscher, Walter  Dr. of Philosphy & medical student. – Advised England. Is at present in Lausanne. Send him letter of invitation as analytical student to show to British Council. 11.5.38. Wrote U. Sec. of State re permit 27.6.38. Got permit for 12 months stay to study medicine & psychoanalysis. See Jagelman’s letter of/d 4.7.38.

24 Leinster Terrace W. 2. staying with Mme. Isaacs. Address: c/o Newmark. 6e Belsize Park Gdns. N.W.3.

Schönberger, Dr. Stephen.  Hungarian Candidate. Róheim analyzing. Advised by Rickman to send particulars see new Hungarian list.

Herma, Hans.  Doctor’s degree of Philosophy. Wishes to continue study of medicine. Send all papers to Dr. Kubie. Vienna, 16. Speckbachergasse 6/26.

Frankl, Lilly  Is doing analysis with E. Kris. Wishes to come to England to finish her analysis. Will be at least a year before she starts her control analysis.  Perhaps has a chance of getting work at the Child Guidance Council, Institute of Medical Psychology (Dr. Calver). You wrote to Frl. Freud that it was a difficult case and that you hoped she was following up her London connections (10.5.38) Heard from the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning that she had been offered a position with Gipsy Hill Training College and Mr. Adams was going to urge for a permit for her. There are also other positions in view for her. (9.6.38) Has arrived in England. c/o Newmark, 6 Belsize Gdns., N.W.3. stet.

40 York House, Turks Row, S.W.3.


Langer, Walter. An American doing his analysis with Frl. Freud. Research fellow for Psychology in Boston. Arrived in London. Address: 4 Florence Court, Maida Vale, W.9.

Christine Mayer-Fourneir (Olden)  Applied for England and is recommended by Dr. Fenichel as a good psycho-analyst. Hans Sachs also wrote about her. Stay in Prague. Is to be made temporary member of Swiss Society before preceding to Los Angeles. See Sarasius letter d/d 8.5.39.

Neurath, Mrs.  Secretary at the Verlag. Mr. Bayliss of Nicholson, Graham & Jones, 19 Moorgate, E.C. 2. Telephone MET: 7981 is getting her a permit. 31 Greencroft Gdns., NW MAI: 4059.

Wrote to Jagelman  re  permit to work in England. September 7th.  Has got permit. – Passport sent 17.9.38. 32 Finchley Road, N.W.3.  PRI: 1821.

Kruk, Walter, Brother of Mrs. Neurath. Still in Vienna – Address Vienna XX, Wallensteinplatz 4/3. Born in Vienna 24.V.1913. Wrote to Duncan Hall on September 9th re his immigration to Australia.  Trained in Tannery and Leather Work.

Hedy Schwartz Address: 17 Rylett Road, W.12. Psycho-Analytical Pedagogue. – Interviewed 21.9.38.  Gave Letter of Introduction to Mrs. Isaacs.

Teich, Marianne  Vienna XIII., Penzingerstrasse 125. Brother – Dr. Alfred Kalmus, 98 Gilling Court, Belsize Grove, N.W. 3. Zenner Nurse for Mrs. North (Mr. Bibring has address.)

Dr. Herz-Hohenberg  Sent £ 20 to Paris. Ack. 18.10.38. Sent £ 10 to Vally Kunstadl, 5 Gloucester Walk, W. 8. 10.10.38. Dr. Tanner has sent invitation to stay in Stockholm. Fund to finance. 9.1.39. Arrived England – Address: 277 Long Lane Hillingdon. Gave £ 15. Feb. 15.1938

Dr. Otto Brief  Letter in Box. Asked Dr. Carroll to send Invitation + ask H.O. – 21.4.39. Wrote Mrs. Mills 4.5.39 c/o Marie Brief, Olmütz, Palackystrasse 1, Moravia.                                    

Dr. Ernst Schweitzer  Here for three months en route for America. –  Analysis with Dr. Thorner. 4.5.39. – c/o S. D. Waley, Esq. 79 Brook Green, W. 6.                                   

Betlheim, Dr. Stefan  Zagreb.

Deming, Dr. Julia  Switzerland. Is American. Is at present in London. –  Has permission to attend meetings. Goes to America.

Since 13/7 406 Marlborough Street, Boston, Mass.



Weiss, Dr. Karl. – Doesn’t attend meetings. Gave letter of support for permit on condition did not practice medicine.

Arrived – Address c/o P. J. White 56 Clifton Court St. John’s Wood

Has got permit for Palestine through Mrs. Eden. 30.XI.38.

Abercorn 1187.

Winterstein, Dr. Alfred van – ? Probably stay in Vienna. Monarchist