Barbara Pflaum (1912 - 2002, Vienna)

Photography is a driver of memory. No other medium is capable of bringing the past into the present as well or as precisely. But photography is more than mere documentation; its impact also depends on the photographer’s approach and perspective. Indeed, it is with her tangible presence that Barbara Pflaum succeeds in bringing
back to life moments from history. At times criticized, her technical imprecision is in fact essential: it means that time and again Pflaum’s pictures give viewers the arresting sense of having been present.
Valerie Loudon
Photographer and Barbara Pflaum’s granddaughter
Jan 10, 1912 |
Barbara Pflaum was born into a wealthy Viennese family as the youngest of six children and was baptized Hansi Barbara Gebhardt. |
1931 - 1934 |
After graduating from high school in Klosterneuburg, she attended the School of Applied Arts of the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry in Vienna (fashion class of Prof. Eduard Josef Wimmer-Wisgrill) |
1934 |
Marriage to Peter Pflaum and move to the family villa in Altenberg. Barbara's sister Gretl also lived in Altenberg and married the later Nobel Laureate Konrad Lorenz. |
1936 - 1942 |
Birth of children Barbara, Monika and Hannes. |
1948 - 1952 |
After her divorce, Barbara Pflaum continued her studies at the University of Applied Arts and graduated from Prof. Paul Kirnig's graphics class. |
1952 |
Herbert Tichy gave her her first camera, a Rolleiflex. |
1950s - 1996 |
Membership of the Sydikat of Press Photographers, Press Picture Agencies and Film Reporters of Austria. |
1955 - 1977 |
Employment as press photographer at the weekly press. Regular contributor to the magazines Theater heute and Die Bühne |
1957 |
Joint photo exhibition with Charlotte Till at the Wiener Konzerthaus. |
1958 |
Solo exhibition at the Wiener Konzerthaus. |
From 1959 |
Numerous group exhibitions. |
1961 - 1987 |
Numerous book publications. |
1983 |
Solo exhibitions at the Galerie Ulysses in Vienna and at the Neue Galerie in Linz. |
1986 |
Silver Medal of Honor of the City of Vienna. |
2002 |
Barbara Pflaum passed away in Vienna. |
2006 |
Retrospective at the Wien Museum. |