Talk as Part of the Vienna Art Week
Thursday, November 18th, 2021, 7 pm CET, free admission
Library of Psychoanalysis in the Sigmund Freud Museum and via Zoom
Heidrun Primas, architect and cultural worker
Daru Huppert, psychoanalyst and psychologist
Monika Pessler, Director Sigmund Freud Museum
Registration required: To participate on-site, please register below. To register for online participation, please use this Zoom link.
"The question of the WE of a common, living public is more important than ever, [...] feldstellen* PRESENCE OF THE MANY is the attempt to make visible for a moment a common multiplicity: a gathering under the credo of humanity", this is how Heidrun Primas, architect and former director of Forum Stadtpark Graz, describes that social sculpture, which was implemented for the first time on Human Rights Day 2017 at Human Rights Square by Forum Stadtpark artists in Graz. Since then, it has been formed again and again in the context of solidarity rallies (January to June 2021) by all those who are committed to the observance of human rights and a humane refugee policy.
At the same time, this "field of empathy" initiated by art and culture activists, activists, and NGOs from the refugee sector effectively but peacefully counters the currently prevailing feelings of isolation and the resulting powerlessness and speechlessness. Where the mercilessly intensified political discourse calls into question the dignity of those seeking protection and those willing to help, the self-respect of members of the host society is also threatened. Prevailing fears of restrictions and material losses also make participation in sociocultural development processes more difficult. Those subjected to internal emigration are increasingly silenced and find themselves deprived of the opportunity to express themselves, to speak, and to be heard. Thus, only the call of those who want to counter our fragile life worlds primarily with harsh regulation seems audible.
While propagandistic terms such as "over-alienation" (again) gain in power and present society with apocalyptic visions of its destruction, practices are also being developed in activist scenes in art and culture that offer an attitude characterized by "solidarity" to the collective insecurity as a counter-design that connects society and gives it meaning.
Heidrun Primas, DIin, Architekturstudium in Graz, mehrjährige internationale Wettbewerbstätigkeit, Lehrtätigkeit an der Fakultät für Architektur an der TU Graz sowie Künstlerische Forschung und Aktionen im öffentlichen Raum. Sie ist seit 2010 Vorstandsmitglied im HDA (Haus der Architektur Graz). Von 2011 bis Juni 2021 war sie Vorstandsvorsitzende im Grazer Künstler*innenverein Forum Stadtpark. Seit 2018 ist Primas Sprecherin des Grazer Kulturbeirats und Mitglied im Vorstand von OMEGA – Transkulturelles Zentrum, seit Jänner 2021 Obfrau des Vereins Flüchtlingshilfe/refugee assistance – Doro Blancke und seit Juni 2021 Beraterin der Kulturstrategie 2030 des Landes Steiermark. Sie ist Preisträgerin des Hanns-Koren-Kulturpreises des Landes Steiermark 2019 und widmet sich der Arbeit an der Gesellschaft als künstlerische Alltagspraxis.
Daru Huppert, Dr. phil., studierte Psychologie in New York, Zürich und Cambridge, wo er Vorlesungen über Psychoanalyse hielt. Er ist Psychoanalytiker in freier Praxis in Wien (WPV/IPA) und verfasste zahlreiche psychoanalytische Publikationen zur Sexualität, dem Schlaf, dem Ekel und der Scham. Seine letzten beiden Buchveröffentlichungen (als Mitherausgeber und Beiträger) sind: „Contemporary Perspectives on the Freudian Death Drive“ (gem. mit V. Blüml und L. Giorgi; London: Routledge, 2019) sowie „Die junge Psychoanalyse im Boudoir“ (gem. mit d. Freud-im-Korb-Gruppe; Münster: LIT, 2019).
In cooperation with Vienna Art Week
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