10x17 - 10 Viennese Museums, 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The Sigmund Freud Museum is participating in the 10x17 initiative jointly initiated by ICOM and OekoBusiness Wien and is thus facing up to its responsibility for sustainability in society and the environment: As one of ten Viennese museums, we are actively working on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
The "17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) are a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity to protect our planet by 2030. Since 2016, UN member states have been working to fight poverty and reduce inequalities with the help of this plan. Accordingly, it is also important to include the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable population groups and countries. The "how" is to be translated into national development plans.
Each of the participating cultural institutions has set itself two of these goals in order to refer to them in its daily work as well as in its programming and to promote their worldwide implementation. The Sigmund Freud Museum has chosen the following goals:

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
As soon as a project or activity of the Sigmund Freud Museum corresponds to one of the two goals, we provide the announcement and program page with the corresponding logo.
In the coming months, the museum will also present specially developed programs as well as thematically related events and educational projects in order to draw attention to the importance of the Sustainability Goals and to acknowledge the social responsibility of a cultural and scientific institution.
In the future, the Sigmund Freud Museum will use the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to guide its daily work - for this reason, we will also take the other goals into account in our work.
These Viennese Museums take part in the project:
- Dom Museum Vienna
- House of Austrian History
- Jewish Museum Vienna
- Kunst Haus Wien Museum Hundertwasser
- MAK – Museum of applied Arts
- MuseumsQuartier Wien
- Sigmund Freud Museum
- Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art
- Wien Museum
- Association of Visual Artists Vienna Secession