If you would like to use an image from our archive, please contact Sarah Hoenigschnabel at s.hoenigschnabel@freud-museum.at.

We charge a production fee for the retrieval or production of the images, plus a usage fee (if we hold the rights):

Production and Retrieval Fees (apply regardless the use)

Retrieval of a scanned image

25 EUR

Creation of a print quality scan

50 EUR

Photographing an existing object

by arrangement

Usage fees

Diploma thesis, dissertation, postdoctoral thesis


Scientific publication print

35 EUR

Commercial print publication up to circulation 5,000

75 EUR

Commercial print publication (circulation over 5,000)

150 EUR

Exhibition architecture

35 EUR

Online use for scientific platform or project

35 EUR

Online use for commercial website

150 EUR

Advertising online/TV

by arrangement

The prices are per scan