Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer of Psychoanalysis

Since 1999, the Sigmund Freud Foundation and the Austrian Fulbright Commission invite American scientists for a study visit which is combined with a visiting professorship on a university in Vienna.
In March 2025: Call Open for 2026

Type: Jointly sponsored grants

Application Period: March – September 2025

Length of grant: 4 months

Starting date: March 2027

For more details and your application please visit www.fulbright.at


Information for Applicants

Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer of Psychoanalysis 2025–26

Number of Awards: 1

Deadline: September 16, 2024

Length of Grant: 4 months

Grant Period: Grants must begin in late February 2026 in line with the Austrian academic year and the mandatory orientation. Teaching and research at the host institution will begin on March 1, 2026 and end on June 30, 2026.

Grant Activity: Conduct research at the Sigmund Freud Foundation in Vienna and teach one course or seminar on a topic related to the research project at a Viennese host institution. Details of the teaching assignment are to be arranged by the Sigmund Freud Foundation and Fulbright Austria in consultation with grantee.

Discipline(s) for Consideration: Anthropology, Art History, Film/Cinema Studies, Gender Studies, History (non-US), Literature (American), Literature (non-US), Museum Studies, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology

Areas of Interest: Human sciences, cultural studies, theory and/or practice of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic studies, neurosciences in relation to psychoanalysis, and arts related to psychoanalysis.

Location: Sigmund Freud Foundation, Sigmund Freud Museum, Berggasse 19, A-1090 Vienna

To learn more about Vienna, click here.

Language: None, English is sufficient.

Additional Language Requirement: Fulbright-Freud scholars are expected to have a basic knowledge of German; English may be used as the language of instruction.


  • Travel and relocation allowance of €1,000 (approx. $1,100; exchange rates may fluctuate)
  • Enrollment in ASPE (Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges)
  • Stipend of €3,300 per month (approx. $3,600; exchange rates may fluctuate)
  • Special Award Benefits (if any):

Qualifications and Eligibility: Open to associate and full professors. Several years of teaching/lecturing or professional experience in relevant fields of psychoanalysis.

All applicants must have US citizenship. (Having a US green card, permanent residency, or a residency permit is not sufficient.)

Additional Information: Applicants must solicit a letter of invitation from the Sigmund Freud Foundation by submitting a curriculum vitae and research/lecturing proposal.

Please apply directly to www.fulbright.at

Contact information Sigmund Freud Museum:

Dr. Daniela Finzi
Research, Sigmund Freud Foundation
Berggasse 19, A-1090 Vienna
T: +43 1 319 15 96

Current and past Fulbright-Freud Scholars

2024 — Paul Allen Miller

Paul Allen Miller is Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina and Distinguished Guest Professor of English at Ewha Womans University. He specializes in exploring intellectual relations between the ancient world and modern philosophy and theory, with an emphasis on psychoanalysis.

Professor Miller is editor emeritus of Transactions of the American Philological Association. He is the author of Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness (1994), Latin Erotic Elegy (2002), Subjecting Verses: Latin Love Elegy and the Emergence of the Real (2004), Latin Verse Satire (2005), Postmodern Spiritual Practices: The Reception of Plato and the Construction of the Subject in Lacan, Derrida, and Foucault (2007), Plato’s Apology of Socrates (2010) with Charles Platter, A Tibullus Reader (2013), Diotima at the Barricades: French Feminists Read Plato (2015), Horace (2019), and Foucault’s Seminars on Antiquity: Learning to Speak the Truth (2021). He has edited fifteen volumes of essays and has published more than 100 articles. His latest book, Theory Does not Exist: Comparative Ancient and Modern Explorations in Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and Rhetoric will be published this spring.

For four months beginning in March 2024, he will serve as the Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer of Psychoanalysis during which he will teach the course “The Subject of Enjoyment in Antiquity” at the Institute for Classical Philology at the University of Vienna and finish research on his new book, Truth and Enjoyment in Cicero: Rhetoric and Philosophy Beyond the Pleasure Principle, the first major psychoanalytic treatment of the subject.

2023 — Richard D. Lane

Richard D. Lane, M.D., Ph.D. is Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Arizona. A clinical psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapist with a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology (systems neuroscience and emotion research), he was among the first researchers to perform functional brain imaging studies of emotion in the 1990s and continues research on emotion, emotional awareness and brain-body interactions to the present. His research on emotion, the brain and heart disease has been funded by several major grants from the National Institutes of Health in the United States and many other sources. He is the author of 200 papers and book chapters and is senior editor of two books including Neuroscience of Enduring Change: Implications for Psychotherapy published by Oxford University Press in 2020. Guiding themes in his research and scholarship have been the importance of integrating systems neuroscience with psychological conceptualizations and the need to bridge basic science and clinical application. Honors include being President of the American Psychosomatic Society in 2006, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Psychoanalysts.

For four months beginning in March 2023 he will serve as the Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer of Psychoanalysis during which he will teach the course “Memory, Emotion and the Neuroscience of Enduring Change: Implications for Psychoanalysis” at the Department of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of the Medical University of Vienna and do research on memory reconsolidation as a mechanism of enduring change in psychoanalysis.

2022 — Ricardo Ainslie

In his books, documentary films, and photographic exhibits, Ricardo Ainslie engages social and cultural topics through a psychoanalytic lens. He is a Guggenheim Fellow, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters, the Philosophical Society of Texas, and a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Residency, among other awards. In addition to publishing regularly in academic journals, his books include The Fight to Save Juárez: Life in the Heart of Mexico’s Drug War (University of Texas Press, 2013), and Long Dark Road: The story of Bill King and Murder in Jasper, Texas, (University of Texas Press, 2004). His most recent documentary is The Mark of War (2018), a film about the lives of seven men who served in the Vietnam War.

Ricardo Ainslie holds the M.K. Hage Centennial Professorship in Education at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Educational Psychology, serves as director of research and education for AMPATH Mexico at Dell Medical School, and is director of the LLILAS Benson Mexico Center at the University of Texas at Austin.

As the 2022 Fulbright-Freud Visiting Scholar, he is working on a book manuscript titled “City and Psyche.”  He will also give a public lecture at the University of Vienna (“Individual and collective anxieties: A psychoanalytic refection on the psychological impact of immigration and social transformation”), and three seminars on “Psychoanalysis beyond the consulting room: Understanding, intervention, and methodology” at the Research Unit ‘Psychoanalysis and Education’ at the Department of Education of the University Vienna.

See the blog portrait of Ricardo Ainslie

2021 — Jennifer Friedlander

Jennifer Friedlander is the Edgar E. and Elizabeth S. Pankey Professor of Media Studies at Pomona College in Claremont, California. She is the author of Moving Pictures: Where the Police, the Press, and the Art Image Meet (Sheffield Hallam University Press, 1998); Feminine Look: Sexuation, Spectatorship, and Subversion (State University of New York Press, 2008); and Real Deceptions: The Contemporary Reinvention of Realism (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her work has appeared in Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture; CiNéMAS: Journal of Film Studies; Subjectivity; (Re)-turn: A Journal of Lacanian Studies; Journal for Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society; Subjectivity; and International Journal of Žižek Studies and in several edited volumes. She is a founding and central committee member of LACK, an organization devoted to the promotion and development of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory.

As the 2021 Fulbright-Freud Visiting Scholar, she will work on a new monograph, “Powers of Pleasure: The Psychopolitics of Enjoyment in Media and Popular Culture” and will teach a Master’s seminar in the Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft at Universität Wien on this research topic.

See the blog portrait of Jennifer Friedlander

2020 — Stefan Bird-Pollan

Stefan Bird-Pollan (D.Phil. Oxford, in German Literature; Ph.D. Vanderbilt, in Philosophy) is associate professor at the University of Kentucky. His research focuses on how the notion of subjectivity is related to intersubjectivity in modern moral and political philosophy as well as in aesthetics.

His book The Dialectic of Emancipation; Hegel, Freud and Fanon which places Frantz Fanon’s social critique in the tradition of German idealism appeared in 2015 (Rowman and Littlefield). He has published articles on Kant, Hegel, Rawls, Marcuse, Adorno, Benjamin, Freud and John McDowell. He is working on two book projects. One concerns Kant’s theory of the subject and its relation to Kant’s ethics. His current book project concerns the role of affect in the subject tempted by populism, provisionally entitled, The Populist Subject. He is also co-editing a volume on the relation between Hegel’s aesthetic and Hegel’s political thought as well as another volume on the topic of populism and affect. His Fulbright-Freud research project is entitled The Frustrated Electorate. Understanding Populism Through a Theory of Narcissism.

2019 — Chris Coffman

Chris Coffman is Professor of English and affiliated with the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her research uses psychoanalytic, feminist, and queer theories to analyze twentieth and twenty-first century literature, visual art, and film from Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States. Her first monograph, Insane Passions: Lesbianism and Psychosis in Literature and Film, appeared in December 2006 from Wesleyan University Press;  her second, Gertrude Stein's Transmasculinity, was published in June 2018 by Edinburgh University Press. She has also written articles on psychoanalytic queer and trans theory, queer film, Franz Kafka's The Trial, James Joyce's Ulysses, Monique Truong's The Book of Salt, and Virginia Woolf's Orlando.  A past participant in a NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) seminar on “Modernist Paris,” she is currently at work on new articles on Woolf’s The Waves and Orlando as well as a third monograph called Queer Traversals.

Queer Traversals, the subject of Professor Coffman’s research as the Fulbright-Freud Fellow, critically revises Lacanian psychoanalysis to argue that sexual difference is not transhistorical but rather a historically contingent fantasy that psychoanalytic theorists need to go beyond to better register the implications of diverse sexualities and modes of embodiment. While in Austria, Professor Coffman is also teaching a course on “Queer Theories” for the Gender Studies MA Program at the University of Vienna.

2018 — Donna Orange

Clinical Assistant Professor in the Relational Track, Donna Orange is educated in both philosophy and clinical psychology. She teaches at New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis (Relational Track), at IPSS (Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York) and also at ISIPSé (Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychology of the Self and Relational Psychoanalysis) in Milan and Rome. She runs study groups in philosophy, in the history of psychoanalysis, and in contemporary relational psychoanalysis. She is author of Emotional Understanding: Studies in Psychoanalytic Psychology (1995); Thinking for Clinicians: Philosophical Resources for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Psychotherapies (2010), and The Suffering Stranger: Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice (2011). With George Atwood and Robert Stolorow she has written Working Intersubjectively: Contextualism in Psychoanalytic Practice and Worlds of Experience (1997); Interweaving Philosophical and Clinical Dimensions in Psychoanalysis (2002). With Roger Frie, she co-edited Beyond Postmodernism: Extending the Reach of Clinical Theory (2009). Her philosophical studies include pragmatism, ethics, phenomenology, and many topics in the history of philosophy. In psychoanalysis, she wonders about the ways in which traumatic experience and fixed ideas, including especially her own, interact to inhibit dialogue and hospitality. She now lives in Claremont, California.

As Fulbright-Freud Fellow, she is working on a new book (“Hearing Silenced Voices: Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics”), and she teaches at the Universität Wien, Institut für Bildungswissenschaft, at the Universitätslehrgang „Individualpsychologie und Selbstpsychologie“.

2017 — Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson is associate professor of art history at Rhode Island School of Design. He has taught previously at Parsons School of Design and Kendall College of Art and Design. He received his BA in art history and German Studies from Williams College and his Ph.D. in art history from Columbia University, where he wrote a dissertation on the Viennese design reformer Jakob von Falke. Current research and teaching focus on the history of modern design, museums and exhibitions, and the intersection of design with scientific discourses. Publications include an article on color theory in the journal West 86th (2015), an article on Ringstrasse-era exhibition culture in Centropa (2015), an essay on Viennese taste in the exhibition catalog Klimt und die Ringstrasse (2015), and several reviews of books and exhibitions on Viennese art and design.

As Fulbright-Freud Fellow, he will be working on the research project “Sigmund Freud, Interior Decorator,” which reevaluates the Berggasse interiors in relationship to nineteenth-century theories of color and the mind. At the Universität für angewandte Kunst he will be teaching a seminar on “Design and Psychology.”

2015/16 — Thomas Kohut

Thomas A. Kohut holds a PhD. in History from the University of Minnesota and finished his studies at the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute. He teaches as the "Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III Professor of History" at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, where he served as the Dean from 2000 to 2006. He is at the Board of Trustees of the Austen Riggs Centers in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and the Council of Scholars at the Austen Riggs Erikson Intitute. His publications include A German Generation: An Experiential History of the Twentieth Century (New Haven: Yale University Press 2012) and Wilhelm II and the Germans: A Study in Leadership (New York: Oxford University Press 1991) and several works on historic, psychological and psychoanalytical topics.

During his stay in Vienna, Thomas A. Kohut worked on his research project «‘Animal Within‘: Victorian Psychology From the Phrenologists to Freud». At the Institue for History at the University of Vienna, he taught the seminar "Zur Psychologie und Psyche des viktorianischen Zeitalters".

2014/2015 — Michelle Duncan

Michelle Duncan holds a BA in German Philology from Mills College and an MA and PhD in German Studies with emphasis on the history of culture and ideas from Cornell University. In her interdisciplinary research work on the 19th and 20th century, she combines a literature-related approach with interdisciplinary perspectives from music and media research as well as performance studies. As the guest editor of the ‚Cambridge Opera Journals‘, she oversaw a special issue on opera and performance studies in 2004. Duncan received scholarships from the Arnold Schoenberg Center (Vienna), the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Graduiertenkolleg Körper-Inszenierungen (Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin), Max Kade Foundation (New York) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (Washington D. C.). Sie taught mainly at different universities around Boston, such as Brandeis University, Brown University, Massachusetts Institute for Technology and Rhode Island School of Design.

During her stay in Vienna, Michelle Duncan worked on her book project Freud and the Problem of Music: A History of Listening at the Moment of Psychoanalysis. At the Institute for German Studies she gave the proseminar "German Opera and Pathology".

2013/2014 - Pamela Cooper-White

Pamela Cooper-White is the Ben & Nancye Gautier Professor for practical theology at Columbia Theology Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. She studied music at Boston University, religous studies at Harvard and psychology at Holy Names University in Oakland and social work at the Institute for Clinical Social Work in Chicago. She taught at various faculties in the United states and conducts research on the field between religion and psychology, psychoanalysis and postmodernist postcolonial studies as well as feminist approaches. She received numerous awards and is the editor of several publications with a focus on religious studies, like the ‚Journal for Pastoral Theology‘. She published the monographies Idea and Representation: Schonberg‘s Opera ‚Moses und Aron‘ (1985), The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church‘s Response (2nd ed. 2012), Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy in Relational and Theological Perspective (2007) and Braided Selves: Collected Essays on Multiplicity, God, and Persons (2011).

In Vienna she worked on her research project "Existential, Humanistic, and Religious Themes in Writings of Freud‘s Vienna Circle and the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society". She gave the seminar «Freud, Psychoanalysis, and Religion: Critiques and Counter-critiques» at the Institut für Praktische Theologie und Religionspsychologie, Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät at the University of Vienna.

2013 — Robert Deam Tobin

Robert Deam Tobin studied German Literature at Harvard College (BA) and received his PhD in the same subject from Princeton University. His abroad experience took him to Munich and Freiburg before he became Professor of German at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. Since 2008, he has held the Henry J. Leir Chair at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, where Sigmund Freud delivered his five lectures "On Psychoanalysis" in 1909. He is the author of Warm Brothers: Queer Theory and the Age of Goethe (2000) and Doctor's Orders: Goethe and Enlightenment Thought (2001). In 2007 he co-edited A Song for Europe: Popular Music and Politics in the Eurovision Song Contest and in 2012 he edited Global Freud, a special issue of 'Psychoanalysis and History'. His new book on sexology and literature has the working title Peripheral Desires: The German Discovery of Sex.

During his stay in Vienna in the summer semester of 2013, Robert D. Tobin worked on a new project on sexuality and human rights in literature. At the Institute of German Studies, he gave the proseminar "Freud, Sexology, and Human Rights." On June 11, 2013, he gave the lecture "Freud and Human Rights" at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2012 — June Pilcher

June J. Pilcher completed her doctoral studies in biopsychology at the University of Chicago in 1989. As a psychologist, she conducted research for the U.S. Army at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, DC for three years before subsequently beginning her academic career at Bradley University in Peoria, IL. She was appointed a faculty member at Clemson University in August 2011 and became a full professor in 2005. Pilcher's research focus is on biopsychology and sleep research, and she is also involved - in theory and practice - with new, non-competitive teaching and delivery methods. She has also been a member of the Association for Psychological Science since 2010 and has received numerous awards and honors for her research and teaching, including Clemson University's Bradley Award for Mentoring in Creative Inquiry.

In Vienna, June Pilcher gave a proseminar on "Biological Foundations of Experience and Behavior" at the Institute for Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, during the summer semester of 2012. On June 13, 2012, she spoke at the Sigmund Freud Museum on "Consciousness in Modern Society: Life in the Human Zoo."

2011 — Liliane Weissberg

Liliane Weissberg is Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Philadelphia, where she is Professor of German and Comparative Literature. She teaches primarily in the area of cultural history and is also the author of numerous works on German-Jewish literature and philosophy. Her book publications include the critical edition of Hannah Arendt's Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewess (1997), Cultural Memory and the Construction of Identity (with Dan Ben-Amos, 1999), Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race (with J. Gerald Kennedy, 2001), and Hannah Arendt, Charlie Chaplin, and the Hidden Jewish Tradition (2009). Her books Affinity Against Will? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno, and the Frankfurt School and Picture This! Writing with Photography (with Karen Beckman) were published in 2011. During her stay in Vienna, Weissberg worked on a book on Freud and the problem of acculturation.

As part of the Fulbright-Freud Research Fellowship, she held the seminar "Memory, Trauma, Culture" for students at the Institute of Contemporary History and the extension curriculum Kulturwissenschaften / Cultural Studies in the summer semester of 2011.

2010 — Steven Miller

Steven Miller is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He holds a PhD. in comparative literature from the University of California at Irvine, a master's degree in comparative literature from the University of California at Irvine, and a bachelor's degree in semiotics from Brown University. He is co-editor of „Literature and the Right to Marriage“, special Issue of Diacritics, vol. 35, no. 4, winter 2005 (publ. fall 2007), author of „Literature and the Right to Marriage“, theoretical introduction to the special issue above and “Open Letter to the Enemy: Jean Genet’s Holy War”, Diacritics, vol. 34, no.2, summer 2004 (publ. spring 2006).

At the University of Vienna, Institutes for English and literary science, he taught the seminar "The Other Return to Freud: Jacques Derrida, Writing, and the Clinic of the Death Drive".

Lectures and talks at conferences at the Sigmund Freud Museum:
• Teilnahme „Nähe Verbot Ordnung – Genealogie im Umbruch“, 25.-27.03.2010
• Philosophy and the Clinic of the Death Drive, Sigmund Freud Museum, 27.05.2010

2009/2010 — Rubén Gallo

Rubén Gallo is director of the Latin American Studies Program at Princeton University. In 2010, he published his book Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis (MIT Press), a study of Freud's connections to Mexico. His other English-language publications include the 2005 Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize-winning book Mexican Modernity: The Avant-Garde and the Technological Revolution and New Tendencies in Mexican Art (2004), and The Mexico City Reader (2004), which has also been translated into French and Spanish. In the winter semester 2009/2010, he held the seminar "Freud at Large: The Cultural Reception of Psychoanalysis in Latin America and Beyond" at the Institute of History of the University of Vienna.

Rubén Gallo participated in the international conference "The Power of Monotheism. Psychoanalysis and Religion" (October 29-31) and gave the lecture "Mexican Modernity" at the Academy of Fine Arts on November 5. On December 2, he spoke at the Sigmund Freud Museum on "Freud's Mexican Antiquities: Psychoanalysis and Human Sacrifice," and on January 29, 2010, his lecture "Freud in Mexico" took place at the University of Vienna.

2008 — Jeanne Wolff Bernstein

Jeanne Wolff Bernstein is a psychoanalyst and the former president of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC) in San Francisco, USA. She teaches on the faculty of PINC, the NCSPP (Northern California Society of Psychoanalytic Psychology), and The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. Jeanne Wolff Bernstein is a part of the editorial board of the journal 'Studies in Gender and Psychoanalysis, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, and Psychoanalytic Dialogues'. She has written numerous articles on the relationship of psychoanalysis to art and film, as well as on the multiple theoretical languages spoken in psychoanalysis. Her writings have appeared in: 'Psychoanalytic Dialogues', 'Studies in Gender and Psychoanalysis', 'Fort/Da', 'Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies', 'Free Associations', 'The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis' and 'Recherches Cliniques en Psychanalyse', among others.

In the summer semester of 2008, she gave the lecture 'Introduction to Psychoanalysis after Lacan' at Sigmund Freud Private University as part of the Fulbright-Freud Research Fellowship. On April 17, she spoke at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna on the topic "Eva Hesse – auf den Spuren ihrer eigenen Sprachee", and on May 29, she gave the lecture "Im Schatten der Zeit: Freud und die bildende Kunst" at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2007 — Ann Pellegrini

Ann Pellegrini is Associate Professor of Performance Studies and Religious Studies at New York University. Her research interests include psychoanalysis and culture, sexuality, Jewish cultural studies, queer theory, feminist theory, religion, and performance. She is the author of Performance Anxieties: Staging Psychoanalysis, Staging Race (1997) and co-author of Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance (2003), co-editor of the edited volumes Secularisms (2008) and Queer Theory and the Jewish Question (2003), and of the Queer Studies book series 'Sexual Cultures' with New York University Press. In the summer semester she held the seminar "Trauma, Loss and the Performance of Witness: Cultural Encounters, Psychoanalytic Engagements" at the Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna. On June 12, she spoke on "Trauma in the Public Imagination: Thinking after Freud" at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2006 — Vamik Volkan

Vamik Volkan is a psychoanalyst, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, and founder of the Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction (CSMHI) at the University of Virginia, which he directed until 2002. He was a Rabin Fellow at the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies in Tel Aviv. His current publications focus on large group conflict, including: Killing in the Name of Identity: A Study of Bloody Conflicts (2006); Blind Trust: Large Groups and Their Leaders in Times of Crisis and Terror (2004); Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism (1997).

In the summer semester of 2006, Prof. Volkan held the seminar "Large-Group Psychology and Political and Societal Processes" at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. On May 13, the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue hosted the symposium "Psychoanalysis and Politics. Violence-Aggression-Regression", co-conceived by Prof. Volkan and jointly organized by the Sigmund Freud Museum and the Kreisky Forum.

2005 — Mary Bergstein

Mary Bergstein is Professor of Art History in the Department of History of Art and Visual Culture at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her book Mirrors of Memory: Freud, Photography, and the History of Art (Cornell University Press) was published in spring 2010; in 2000 she published the monograph The Sculpture of Nanni di Banco. She also co-authored the books Image and Enterprise: The Photographs of Adolphe Braun (2005) and Sculpture and Photography: Envisioning the Third Dimension (1999). She gave the lecture "Freud, Proust, Photography and Art" in the summer semester 2005 at the Institute of Photography of the Academy of Fine Arts, which was an interdisciplinary event open to listeners from different faculties.

On April 6, she gave the lecture "„Freuds Michelangelo: Vasari, Fotografie und die kunsthistorische Praxis" at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2004 — Peter L. Rudnytsky

Peter L. Rudnytsky is a psychoanalyst and professor in the Department of English at the University of Florida. His areas of research include Sigmund Freud, history and theory of psychoanalysis, and psychoanalytic approaches to literature (science). He is the author of: Reading Psychoanalysis: Freud, Rank, Ferenczi, Groddeck (2002); Psychoanalytic Conversations: Interviews with Clinicians, Commentators, and Critics (2000); The Psychoanalytic Vocation: Rank, Winnicott, and the Legacy of Freud (1991); Freud and Oedipus (1987); and co-author of numerous other publications, including Psychoanalysis and Narrative Medicine (2008). Since 2000, he has also edited the psychoanalytic journal 'American Imago', founded by Freud in 1939. In the summer semester of 2004, Prof. Rudnytsky led the interdisciplinary seminar "Freud translations" at the Institute of History of the University of Vienna, in which the English translation of the standard edition of Freud's complete works from the 1950s was contrasted with the more recent translation of the Penguin edition.

On May 18, Prof. Rudnytsky gave the lecture "How is Freud Relevant Today?" at Amerika Haus, and on June 9, "Did Freud Have an Affair with Minna Bernays, and So What?" at the Sigmund Freud Museum.

2001/02 — Diane O'Donoghue

Diane O'Donoghue is a professor in the Department of Visual Studies & Critical Studies at Tufts University in Medford and also teaches at the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute. Her research interests include psychoanalysis, visual culture, Chinese art history, and archaeology. Prof. O'Donoghue has published numerous articles in 'American Imago', 'Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association', and 'Journal for the Psychoanalyis of Culture and Society', among others. In 2007 her article "Eine Projektion ein plastisches Ding? Lacan and the Disappearance of the Sculpture/Sculpture/Statue in the Canon of the Arts" was published in the anthology Verschränkungen von Symbolischem und Realem: Zur Aktualität von Lacans Denken in den Kulturwissenschaften, edited by Jochen Bonz at Kadmos Verlag in Berlin.

She spent the winter semester 2001/2002 at the Institute for Ethnology, Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna. At the Sigmund Freud Museum, Diane O'Donoghue gave the lecture "Tracks of Desire, Sites of Dislocation" on October 23 and a lecture on "Ancient Traumas and Topographies: The 'Aetiology of Hysteria' in 1896" on December 4.

2001 — Jay Geller

Jay Geller teaches as an Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. His research areas include gender, sexuality, German-Jewish history, and Jewish identity and representations of (bodies of) Jews since the Enlightenment. The role of trauma in the construction of Jewish identity before and after the Shoa preoccupies him, as do European self-images and nationalisms. In 2007, his book On Freud's Jewish body: Mitigating circumcisions was published; and in 2005, he published Jews in post-Holocaust Germany, 1945 - 1953. His essays have appeared in 'Canadian Journal of History', 'German Politics and Society', 'Holocaust and Genocide Studies', 'The Journal of Military History', among others. During the summer semester of 2001, Jay Geller taught at the Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Vienna.

On March 15, Jay Geller gave a lecture at the Sigmund Freud Museum on "'Atheist Jew or Atheist Jew': Sigmund Freud's Jewish Question and Ours"; on April 19, he spoke at the Sigmund Freud Museum on "'My Fellow Unbelievers': From Spinoza's Tractatus to Freud's Der Mann Moses, the Engendering of Jewish Identity." On April 26, his lecture on "'The Wilkomirski Case': Fragments or Figments?" took place at Berggasse 19, and on May 3, he spoke at the Sigmund Freud Museum on "'Tailing the Suspect': The Curious Coupling of Images of Chinese and Jews."

2000 — Edward Shorter

Edward Shorter studied history at Harvard University and has been a professor of the history of medicine at the University of Toronto since 1991. Edward Shorter has held visiting professorships in Florence, Constance, and Munich; several of his numerous publications on medicine and psychology have been translated into German, including: Geschichte der Psychiatrie (1999; A History of Psychiatry, 1997); Moderne Leiden. Von der Seele in den Körper. Die kulturellen Ursprünge psychosomatischer Erkrankungen (1999; From the Mind into the Body, 1994); Zur Geschichte der psychosomatischen Krankheiten (1994; From Paralysis to Fatigue. A History of Psychosomatic Illness in the Modern Era, 1993); Der weibliche Körper als Schicksal. Zur Sozialgeschichte der Frau (1984; A History of Women's Bodies, 1982); Die Geburt der modernen Familie (1977; The Making of the Modern Family, 1975).

At the Institute for Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna, Edward Shorter gave the lecture "The History of Psychiatry" in the summer semester of 2000, and at the Library of the Sigmund Freud Society the (dissertation) seminar "Freud's Environment. Viennese Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis at the Turn of the Century."